Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I would add that it is a law that schools are not aloud to start anytime before 9 in the morning and cant go past 3 in the afternoon.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

believe in

If i could believe in one thing again i wish i could believe in Santa again. It was a lot more fun to think that Santa was bringing me my presents.

Monday, December 5, 2011


My cousin Anna she is big on the outside but small on the inside. Dustin Pedroia is little on the outside but big on the inside. In some ways your appearances relate to your personality but in others way it doesnt. If u see someone you can tell if theyre a hard worker just by the way their body is. But until you get to know them you cant really tell who they are inside. I think i would look the same if my appearances were related to my personality.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I am part of the Irish tribe. And I am part of the German tribe. And I am part of the baseball players tribe. Also part of the drivers tribe. And I am part of the El Campisinos lovers tribe. And I am part of the hate math tribe.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Extrovert or introvert

I regain energy by being around people. I am an extrovert. I think extroverts would have it easier. If everyone was extroverts the world would be very friendly and lively. If every one was introvert it would be a very boring world. I prefer my friends to be extroverts.  Extroverts are better leaders. Introverts are better writers. Extroverts are better neighbors. Extroverts are better teachers. It does matter. It matters alot because what ever one you are determines how you live your life.

Friday, October 7, 2011

the achievement lens

I view life from the achievement  lens because i feel you have to achieve a lot to be successful. If you dont achieve anything in your life your life really isnt worth living. If you dont achieve anythin you basically just sit at home and live life in idle. But if you go out and achieve things you are doing something with your life and making yourself into someone.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Life rewards actions

If you do nothing you wont get any where. To get somewhere in life you have to put time and effort into it. You have to hold your self to these goals you have to keep reminding your remind your self of where you wanna go because without this constant push you will sit back and wait for it to come to you which will never happen. Your life will add up to nothing if you sit and wait for stuff to happen if you truly wanna live your life to the fullest and reach your goals you have to dedicate your self to them and every chance you get take the opportunity and try to reach your goal. 

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Walt Whitman

O captain my captain
That is my favorite Walt Whitman poem. One reason is its one of the only ones i can understand or even makes sense. Also it is a very emotional poem and is a good read.