Monday, April 23, 2012

designer baby

I think that there is good and bad to these "designer babies ". In these 2 situations it is used correctly if it is used to save a life i think it is okay,but if it is used to just pick the baby that you want i dont approve of it. If they are just choosing the baby of their choice i think they are playing the role of god too much but if its done to chose a baby to save another child i thinks its okay.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


 Some people try to deny the fact that the holocaust happened. Those people should be in the insane asylum because to try to deny an atrocity like the holocaust is just insane. It is really offense to the Jewish people and the human population in general to deny something like the holocaust. I really dont even know how it is possible for a person to have the guts to say something like that. It really just shows how some people in this world have no sorrow for other humans.